30 for 30 Podcasts

Sports #95

Original audio documentaries from the makers of the acclaimed 30 for 30 film series, featuring stories from the world of sports and beyond. 30 for 30 offers captivating storytelling for sports fans and general interest listeners alike, going beyond the field to explore how sports, competition, athleticism and adventure affect our lives and our world. Sports stories like you've never heard before.

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Recent Reviews
  • ColeBritney
    Late to the party
    Love all the Sterling episodes. I know I’m late, but great reporting and detail!
  • Flaaaash
    Used to be the best
    They need to kill the brand. It’s become a vanity project.
  • 2021UK
    Once great content…..
    Your once great brand / stories is no longer. Please do better.
  • Lilt949
    30 for 30 podcasts
    30 for 30 podcasts are all about race in sports. It’s not about the love of the game that millions of us have, but it has to be about the divide. Truly sad and no longer worth listening to.
  • RIR36
    The Greatest Baseball Player You’ve Never Heard Of….
    If you’re looking for a podcast that will take you on a journey through hidden American sports history, extraordinary talent, and personal stories, then look no further than Reclaimed: The Forgotten League. The podcast is hosted by Vanessa Ivy Rose, who has an energetic voice and a genuine and empathetic approach to storytelling. She also happens to be the granddaughter of Negro Leagues star Turkey Stearnes. The podcast covers a range of topics, including the segregation and integration of professional baseball and its impact in Black players. It also highlights the equity gaps that still exist today in MLB and the opportunity that remains to rewrite history. In episode 5 titled “The Hall” the podcast explores how baseball institutions still fail to recognize the Negro Leaguers, and notes the fact that leadership needed to change in the past for change to happen in the future. The episode is both informative and emotional, and it’s a great example of the kind of storytelling that Reclaimed is known for. Overall, if you’re looking for a podcast that invites you think deeply about the history around you, learn about the overlooked greats of America’s favorite pastime, and touch on personal family stories, then Reclaimed: The Forgotten League is definitely worth the listen!
  • daleknos1
    Incredible storytelling
    I really enjoyed learning about the Sterling affairs. It was very factual.
  • naaaaahmeeeeaaan
    Solid content
    I enjoyed it
  • taylormusic
    Pink Card is a must listen
    The Pink Card series is one of the best series I have ever listened to. Can not recommend highly enough.
  • FeebsMT
    Gender Apartheid
    Wow! This is one of the best podcasts I have ever listened to - gender apartheid indeed. Thank you for shining your bright lights here. The world must not be silent.
  • USA Mknitter
    Pink Card opened my eyes to my freedoms
    I just listened to the Pink Card episodes (during the 2022 World Cup!) and it again reminded me of the freedoms I now have as a female in the US (except for “pro choice” on the national level). I grew up before the passage of Title 9 in the early 1970s and was unhappy about the inequalities between males and females—I was unable to participate in Cross Country until I attended junior college (outside of the US, at that!), and there was no backpacking in the Sierra Mountains for women. My new high school had 2 gyms, one of which was named “Girls Gym”, but our girls’ basketball team had only the outside blacktop and hoops for practice while the 4 boys’ basketball teams had the 2 gyms… but I am still grateful for what freedoms I currently have—I have lived in Canada, Europe, and Southeast Asia—not as a tourist—so I know how others live. Thanks so much for sharing this story, in spite of what’s currently happening to females in Iran, and Afghanistan.
  • MikeIn616
    They are all great
    I’ve never met one I didn’t like. I listen to them multiple times. So we’ll put together. I share them with my kids and they love them too. History they wouldn’t otherwise learn. 30for30 is amazing. Keep up the great work!
  • wlk2
    Best show out right now.
    A beautiful telling of history, oppression and the fight for freedom. Well done!
  • jrh&harley
    Pink card is riveting
    Wow! Just wow!
  • Travmaan
    Thumbs up for Pink Card!
    Captivating story. Bravo!
  • dhskabs dueb
    Started great but fell off point
    Story started great, loved his methods, from selling albums to rebuilding the community. Of course in episode four we have to bring up race issues and political crap. Gets old immediately stopped listening.
  • boss 1935
  • atjno
    This show used to really great. Thoughtful about sports and how sports affect us all. Good stories about people flawed and heroic. To see people’s complexity But not a promotional show . The Crenshaw series is not good like that. I live at Crenshaw so was interested to hear it. But it just felt like a legacy polishing and not as interesting. I hope they get back to their regular journalism and move away from fan series.
  • Sarah_Holster
    King of Crenshaw — THANK YOU!
    Such a stellar deep dive into Nipsey’s legacy. Really enjoyed this four part series. So strong.
  • jayher17
    King of Crenshaw
    A wonderful listen but I wonder in what other facets Nipsey would have channeled his energy and talent in.
  • Bubble but.
    Deep dives!!!!
    Love them!
  • rudyjsalazar
    Interesting Podcast
    Very good podcast that dives into a lot of interesting stories that don’t necessarily come to mind when thinking of the biggest stories. Well produced and edited. Always excited to listen to new seasons.
  • KellyGreen!
    WNBA story was amazing!
    Nice to get to know some background on female basketball players. I’ve never watched a WNBA game but I will now!
  • wpOxQVUsv
    Great podcasts
    Very intriguing stories
  • Mercury2wo
    Movie for your Ears!
    Fantastic production quality. Original sounds and clips from past events, interviews and the story telling - it’s like a movie every time I listen to it. Absolute 5 on 5!
  • Mj2xtreme
    I love 30 for 30
    Until they made it political. It’s like the way I miss sportscenter. Come back home bud, please
  • P, Tony
    Great podcast series!
    These are meticulously-constructed stories that place sporting events and athletes in the larger context of history. Each of these lovingly-presented stories is a movie begging to be made.
  • JeffB444
    Thank God season 8 is finally here!!
    My friends call me the podcast cast king because I listen to so many different podcast all the time. But far and away the 30 For 30 series of podcasts are the best things going. Your superior storytelling,Mixing sports and history, and production, put these podcasts in a class of their own. Thank God season eight is finally here. You’ve been away too long!!
  • David1083
    1st episode of March 11th 2020
    How do you tell the story of Rudy Gobert getting covid with zero mention of him mocking covid and touching all the microphones? That was the talk of the day when he got it. Zero mention of it? That can’t be an accident you left that part out. Very weird.
  • gr33nfire14
    I’m not even a sports person
    ...but this is one of the best investigative podcasts I’ve come across. The topics they choose consistently surprise me (in the best way) by veering away from the mainstream/overdone sports, and I find myself getting invested in things I’ve never thought or cared much about (poker, gymnastics, horse-racing, etc). Keep up the incisive reporting!
  • MarcAlexander7
    Love it all!
    Great series for Bloodlines. Very engaging and very well done.
  • Booker WEB
    Subjects great music too loud
    Music in the background often enhances a podcast, but when you have to strain to hear the talking it isn’t worth the effort.
  • seaside.ca
    Bloodlines horses
    Excellent... absolutely excellent... very informative as well as compelling... again excellent
  • Jonthomasma
    stu gotz army
    don’t lay off Chis Cote
  • JSV211NQ
    Activists instead of journalists
    There seems to be a lot more activism rather than journalism in this podcast now. Loosing interest.
  • Tikoshak
    Good stuff
    These podcasts are always well done and interesting only complaint is that the seasons are fairly spaced out
  • spcarver
    Love podcast —— BUT
    I am confused. Started to like podcast but it starts and revolves around santa Anita... but you NEVER discuss track...drugs...compare other tracks and data.... it’s crazy, nothing scientific. Like saying people are obese because they don’t except while omitting eating and nutrition. This started so well...wish you could finish it with a real analysis
  • Podcast Evangelist
    Excellent podcast, despite HORRIBLE score
    I don’t understand how a production of this quality could have allowed the composer to get paid for such an imbecile, minimalist, pathetic imitation of a score. WAS there a composer? Or did some intern purchase Garage Band for the iPhone and record it that way? Let’s emphasize that the intern was probably still in high school. Make that middle school. The music seems to have gotten progressively more stupid, more annoyingly stripped down. First an endlessly repeated “idea,” then just an endlessly repeated bunch of notes, then two notes now just one - over and over. Sadly, it’s hard to ignore. I’m at the point of giving up on the gripping, well researched, well written, well edited story of abuse at USA gymnastics because of this idiocy.
  • acfromwv
    Best show ever
    Adam should be the common sense presidential candidate!!
  • osireuggjwoeirugwerk
    Fun & interesting podcast. Annoying theme music
    I’ve enjoyed every episode I’ve listened to. As a Padres fan I particularly enjoyed “Ricky Don’t Quit” and, even though I have zero interest in Yoga I was captivated by the season on Bikram. Please change the theme music. It is a shrill, annoying and ugly attempt at a fanfare. It missed its target.
  • hazelbnr
    James Scott
    The James Scott segment is a fair tribute to a man of great talent, and a comment in the lost talent that gets locked up. An important documentary on the need for prison reform, and an invitation to society to look at how we fail ourselves in so many ways. End prison for profit now. There are many segments of 30 for 30, aside from the James Scott, that I learned from and enjoyed. Well done.
  • Zqflg
    Where were the parent?
    That’s all.
  • Blairinnyc
    Excellent, Insightful, Heartbreaking
    This deep dive into the Karolyis, USA Gymnastics and the numerous gymnasts impacted by the rigorous pathway to Olympic Gold is superb if not heart wrenching to absorb. I only wish this was a video podcast or had been done for TV because there are so many visual moments and gymnastics performances that I would have enjoyed seeing .
  • n5u7ooqw
    It has a little bout of language but other than that great podcasts
  • tallsally
    So glad they’re back to the documentary style!
    Left my original review below. Happy to have a docu-style show back! I live documentary-style audio. I don’t like listening to commentary about a TV show. Right now the only reason o don’t unsubscribe is the hope it will go back to the old format. From a strategic standpoint connecting the audio with the other content makes sense. But hijacking a documentary-style feed with drive-time sports talk radio recapping documentary doesn’t work for me. It’s like tuning in for the State of the Union and only getting the commentary.
  • nashdawg18
    Pretty good
    I like them
  • brooklynmuse79
    A critique on the culture of winning
    Is the gold for a few worth the price of so many? This is about the culture of valuing only the winners. But the winners won’t say that out loud. Instead, they create myths and propaganda to fuel that rare win and deny the voice and value of so many broken others. I loved this podcasts because it airs that voice and values those others.
  • lm123;
    Excellent podcast detailing history of Karolyis, their abuse tactics and the price of success
    Highly recommend especially for any sports fan who watches the Olympics or anyone who followed the Larry Nassar sexual abuse case.
  • Nerdalert111
    It’s back!
    So happy to have a real season of 30 for 30 back and not the recaps. This was another in-depth, engrossing, well reported story.
  • Milner-c
    Interesting stories well told
    Enjoy the episodes and the mini series that go even deeper are fantastic!
  • GuavaG
    Accountability for gymnastics commentariat?
    Painful story, painstakingly told. Well reported, with one exception that jumped out at me: What responsibility does the NBC gymnastics team—the network and the commentators—take for making millions while these girls suffered? Listening to all seven episodes reminded me of the outsized role NBC played in hyping the manifestly abusive Karolyis and their domineering methods. Al Trautwig and Tim Daggett, in particular, lavished effulgent, stomach-turning praise for DECADES without ever questioning what an Iron Curtain totalitarian system meant for vulnerable American girls. NBC’s awful coverage obsessively focused on melodramatic storytelling about these girls, while missing THE REAL STORY right in front of their eyes. Would have loved the 30 for 30 reporters to have asked Trautwig, Daggett, Elfi Schlegel, Bob Costas, John Tesh et. al. about their complicity.
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